A Text-Based Taupe Game and Other Updates


I haven’t posted in many months and I know everybody has been waiting with bated breath (jebaited breath??) for more C O N T E N T so here we go.

Where’s Bird Quest VR?

I’ve started working on Bird Quest VR again and am planning on spending the year revamping the gameplay and adding a multiplayer mode.

That’s right, you’ll be able to launch sharks and other farm animals at your friends while they are in Virtual Reality. Has technology gone too far? I don’t think it has gone far enough.

I plan on posting some more developer updates as well, I will get into the Chicken AI and maybe do some tutorials about implementing asymmetrical multiplayer in VR using Unity. I want to do the whole thing in a nicely structured way, and may end up launching a separate studio website, so stay tuned.

Some text-based adventures

I made a new text-based “game” called A Tiny Shimmer of Taupe earlier this year that I never got around to releasing. It’s a shamelessly punny dark comedy about a chemist who loses his ability to see colour and no longer knows what to do with his life. It’s deeply influenced by John Milton’s Samson Agonistes, which I studied a bit back in undergrad.

Click here to try it out!

I’m going to post it on philome.la soon for some added reach, but I want to maybe have a proper studio Twitter set up before then.

I’m also doing some writing for an awesome upcoming project called Wolf at the Door, a game by Damon L. Wakes.  It’s been really cool working with a writing team on a larger project and I can’t wait for everyone to see it when it’s done!


That’s all I’ve got for now. I’m working on a lot of exciting new things this year while completing my Master of Digital Media. I’m going to try to post a lot more!


Keep it spicy,