Master of Digital Media First Semester Recap

Ah...the mysteries of outer space..

School is going by quickly so I want to post a recap of a bunch of the things I’ve created in the first semester of my Master of Digital Media before the second semester picks up. It’s easy to get caught up with deadlines and work and never have the time to slow down and reflect on everything that’s been made so far! Here are a few of my digital creations from the last four months, and some updates on ongoing projects.


A shot from Citizen, our interactive film that explores the role of persuasive technology in smart cities

Citizen is an online interactive film created by Mo, Jonas, Daniella, and myself for our Foundations of Digital Media class. You follow a day in the life of Louis, a citizen of a futuristic “Smart City” that rewards or punishes its inhabitants based on their lifestyle choices. There are decision points at the end of each video, and the viewer can decide what happens next!

Since I was the resident coder and the rest of the team had experience with film, it made sense for me to handle the back-end while they produced the video. I coded the interactivity from scratch in Javascript using YouTube’s API along with Google Firebase‘s free database and web hosting plans. I can put together a little tutorial on how I built it if anyone is interested (let me know!).

Click here to play Citizen.

Click here to see statistics on what decisions previous players have made.

Also, Netflix’s Bandersnatch totally copied us.

Spooky Ragdoll Game

One thing I’ve been trying to do more recently are quick little experiments with Unity. I’ve been using the software for long enough now that I can whip up something ugly and functional quite quickly.

October was a weird month, I got sidetracked playing around with skeletons and ragdoll physics

It all started when a friend asked if I knew how to set up ragdoll physics in Unity. I didn’t, but 15 minutes later, after consulting the trusty old world wide web, I did. I kept messing around in my free time and soon produced this:

Don’t ask

This impromptu research and exploration proved invaluable. I learned a lot about how animation rigs work and how they can be controlled via code within Unity, which directly led to my next project.

Skeleton VR

SkeletonVR is a little VR demo I whipped up for Interaction Design class. It allows user to embody a performing skeleton from within VR. They can move and dance around and have these actions projected onscreen.

Messing around with third-person VR was something I had been meaning to do for a while, and the presentation fell on Halloween so it seemed like a perfect opportunity.

I made sure to include a mirror so those in VR could have a sense of how they’d look onscreen

Most VR experiences simply mirror the player’s view on the screen, but I wanted this to be more performative. I had a separate camera angle set up so that those watching from outside VR would not have to see the mirror.

There were some physics-enabled pumpkins. Also you can’t not dab when you’re a skeleton

I added in some buttons to spawn pumpkins and an MDM sign to make the whole thing more playful.

The leaning tower of spooky

I was impressed with how expressive one could be using only the headset and controllers. I used something called Inverse Kinematics to manipulate the skeleton based on where the player’s head and hands were.

Oh hey there

This skeleton demo was a useful exploration into asymmetrical VR, which I’ll explain more in the next section.


If you’ve been following my criminally infrequent blog posts you’ll have read about BirdQuestVR. It was originally a single-player story-based prototype I built almost a year ago (time flies!)

The game has gone through a few iterations since then and I’ve been rebuilding it from the ground up with the support of the Transmedia Zone, a startup accelerator for innovations in storytelling and media.

It is now a multiplayer VR vs. PC party game. The VR player embodies a giant chicken at work, tasked with operating a Content Creation machine. The PC player is a bouncy little chick, with the sole task of inconveniencing the VR player as much as possible.

I’ll do more posts exclusively about it, as my classes this upcoming semester will be more directly linked to making it into a real business. I’ll just say that it’s very much happening and to stay tuned.

Here are a few sneak peeks from some very early gameplay tests of PC vs. VR interaction.

The VR player is swats at the PC-controlled chick to stop it from reaching the DO NOT PRESS button
The VR player presses buttons on a “Content Machine”, while the PC player bounces around

Other Good News

An early demo of Wolf at the Door, a text-based game for which I’m a writer was displayed at the Wordplay Toronto conference, a festival celebrating text-based games.

My band Bird Problems is working on some new material for an upcoming EP. We released a playthrough video for our latest song The Harpist earlier in the year. The reaction has been awesome and we even had someone make a reaction video!

New tunes like this one incoming

That’s all for now, just wanted to get all this stuff organized and out there. It would probably make more sense to do individual posts for each project in the future because of the tenuous state of the modern attention span. If you’ve made it this far congratulations! Your attention has spanned!

I’m not going to pretend that these posts will become more frequent because every time I say that I don’t post for months. So maybe if I say I’m not going to post for a while I’ll start posting more frequently? Worth a shot.

Bird Quest VR Developer Update #1: “Why?”

Greetings fledgelings! Welcome to the first ever Bird Quest VR developer update. I’ve decided to start writing these in an attempt to create some accountability for myself, and to keep the game’s development going smoothly and coherently.

Well, as coherently as possible when one’s main gameplay mechanic is throwing flaming chickens into the vast expanse of outer space. 

Bird Quest Space Sharks

Watch out for Space Sharks. They’re like regular sharks, but in space.

Why is this happening?

So, the first thing to address is what exactly I’m trying to do here. The current version of Bird Quest VR (BQVR) is just a tutorial level that I put together over the course of a month as a capstone project for my Nanodegree in Virtual Reality Development.

Working on it made me realize that this is what I want to do. I want to make games, VR or otherwise. Most of all, I want to tell stories. I want to create experiences. So I’ve decided to continue to work on BQVR for a little bit and then launch it on Steam. I already have voice lines for a second level recorded, and it would be a shame to let those wonderful performances go to waste.

Bird Quest Dignity

Your character may survive, but will your dignity?

No more VR for the sake of VR

I have a lot of opinions about how VR is being used these days. In short, I think there is a strange obligation to the medium that is only doing it a disservice. I’ve caught myself thinking up new ideas for games and immediately wondering about how to make them work in VR. This is a dangerous mentality. Not every game needs to be VR. The medium should serve the experience, and not the other way around.

So why does Bird Quest VR need to be in VR? Well for one, it’s in the name, but that’s a stupid reason. Mostly, I want to embrace the silliness of the whole thing. People in VR games look ridiculous, so how can we play that up? Easy: turn the player into a chicken, make them eat out of unreasonably low bowls by bending over. Make them crawl around on the ground. “This is art!”, I proclaim loudly from the corner of a Starbucks.  

Bird Quest Chicken Cage

There is a resounding lack of VR games that allow you to be a caged chicken

The game will be free (as in beer)

I’ve been using Unity engine for BQVR, as it serves my purposes nicely. I enjoy coding in C#, and really appreciate the engine’s extensive documentation and community. The Unity Asset Store, along with Google Poly are chock-full of free assets for me to use.

On that note, I will be releasing this game for free. I would feel terrible charging money for something that I made using free assets. I also plan on eventually making the project open source. In this day and age, everyone should have access to the inner workings of my Chicken AI.

What the future holds

I won’t get too into how each component of BQVR works right now, as I want to keep these posts short, but future updates can touch on different components of the game. If anyone is interested in any particular component, please let me know, and I can write a post about it. For now, I plan on doing one about the Chicken AI, one about the Level and Sound Managers, and maybe something about the process behind writing and recording all the voice lines.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for coming along on this strange journey!

Until next time,
Michael aka “The Goose”